
Browse Personal Finance and Budgeting Stories - Page 15

202 results found for Personal Finance and Budgeting
The 2013 Ag to Port Ag Forecast will focus on Georgia's agricultural exports. CAES News
Farm to port
As emerging international markets for Georgia agricultural products continue to grow, Georgia farmers need to be aware of the impacts the global marketplace can have on their bottom line. This year, in recognition of the growing importance of the global marketplace to Georgia farmers, Georgia Department of Economic Development Director of International Trade Kathe Falls will deliver the keynote talks at the 2013 Ag Forecast series. The Farm-to-Port Ag Forecast will be held in locations across the state Jan. 25 to Feb. 1.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Holiday money sense
Every year, the holiday shopping season seems to start a little earlier. To compete with online shopping options, brick and mortar retailers keep opening earlier and earlier on Black Friday morning. This year, the holiday shopping season will be well underway even before Thanksgiving dinner has been reduced to leftovers.
cracked pecans CAES News
Plentiful pecans
Despite a bumper crop of high-quality pecans this year, Georgia’s growers will probably make fewer profits from their harvest. However, consumers can expect to pay about the same price for the tree nuts as they did last fall.
Tax deadline is April 15. UGA Extension offers help to citizens filing returns. CAES News
Tax exemption workshop
Sweeping changes were approved in last year’s House Bill 386 that exempt inputs used in agricultural production from Georgia sales tax collections. For certified producers or farmers this means most of the items they buy to use in agricultural production will be sales tax exempt beginning in 2013.
Fighting obesity.
Data released this week shows Georgia’s obesity rate is improving, but 28 percent of the state's citizens still weigh in as obese. Growing health problems and rising healthcare costs are straining both the physical and economic wellbeing of America.
2013 Ag Forecast
The University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development has announced the dates and locations of the 2013 Farm to Port Ag Forecast.
Rendering of the FoodPIC building being built on the UGA campus in Griffin. CAES News
New Food PIC building
Georgia’s 2013 budget includes $3.5 million to construct a long-awaited facility where University of Georgia food scientists in Griffin, Ga., will help businesses launch new food products and processes.
Map showing precipitation totals across Georgia in July 2012. CAES News
July climate summary
Drought conditions in most parts of the state stabilized in July, although there was an increase in exceptional drought in west-central Georgia due to the heat and lack of rainfall.
Fiscal wisdom
No one has to be taught how to spend money, but learning how to save it can be tough. Learning to save money is a skill people learn more easily when they are younger.