Published on 03/24/20

Georgia 4-H prepares daily lessons for Georgia students learning at home

By Sharon Dowdy

Public schools across Georgia are closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and many parents are scrambling to help with schoolwork. To help parents and to continue providing youth development resources to children across the state, the Georgia 4-H program is delivering daily online 4-H activities.

Beginning Wednesday, March 18, lessons on a host of topics are being emailed daily, including agriculture, health and wellness, snack ideas and community service projects. Wednesdays will be dedicated to healthy living topics prepared by Burke County UGA Extension Family and Consumer Science Agent Terri Black.

The daily activities can be completed at home with common household items. The free lessons are geared for youth ages five to 18 and 4-H membership is not required.

The UGA Extension agents plan to send out the lessons at least through April 30.

The lessons are hosted by Georgia 4-H professionals from Banks, Burke, Greene and Morgan counties. Families are encouraged to share photos of their work using the hashtag #GAPluggedinto4H.

To register to receive the lessons, go to or

If you have questions, contact Meridith Franks (Burke County 4-H) at or Kelcie Gilman (Greene County 4-H) at

For more information on Georgia 4-H, the youth development organization of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, go to

Sharon Dowdy is a news editor with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Beginning Wednesday, March 18, lessons on a host of topics are being emailed daily, including agriculture, health and wellness, snack ideas and community service projects.
Beginning Wednesday, March 18, lessons on a host of topics are being emailed daily, including agriculture, health and wellness, snack ideas and community service projects.
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