Published on 11/21/18

Bill Tyson named Ag Partner of the Year in Bulloch County

By Sharon Dowdy

Bulloch County Extension Coordinator Bill Tyson has been named ’s 2018 Ag Partner of the Year by the Statesboro-Bulloch Chamber of Commerce agribusiness committee.

Tyson has 22 years of experience working with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in Bulloch and Effingham counties.

For more on Tyson's surprise honor, read the Statesboro Herald article at

Sharon Dowdy is a news editor with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Bulloch County UGA Extension Coordinator Bill Tyson talks with a farmer during a UGA Extension Peanut Maturity Clinic at a peanut buying point in Register, Georgia.
Bulloch County UGA Extension Coordinator Bill Tyson talks with a farmer during a UGA Extension Peanut Maturity Clinic at a peanut buying point in Register, Georgia.
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