Published on 10/26/18

Paper Clover Campaign nets more than $27,000 to support Georgia 4-H

By Sage Barnard

This year Georgia raised $27,959 for the Paper Clover Campaign. Each year in the spring and fall, Tractor Supply Co. partners with Georgia 4-H to raise money to send Georgia students to 4-H summer camp. 


The campaign takes place at Tractor Supply stores across the country, with Georgia-based donations benefiting Georgia’s 4-H camp scholarships. Customers are able to donate at the register, online at the checkout, and over the phone.


4-H clubs, students, and agents across the state can encourage people to donate at their local stores by putting up display boards and interacting with customers.


This fall, the campaign took place between Oct. 3 and Oct. 14, so the funds were raised in just under two weeks. This campaign cycle raised over $7,000 more than the 2018 spring campaign, which is a considerable increase in donations. The fall campaign was a notable success that will help fund Georgia 4-H projects for the coming year.


Held in partnership with National 4-H Council, across the nation the fundraiser has collectively raised $1,999,661 in 2018. The 2018 Fall Paper Clover event rounds out the ninth year of the campaign. The biannual fundraiser has collectively generated more than $14.9 million across the nation in essential funding to date. 

The Paper Clover Campaign will return to Tractor Supply Company in spring 2019. For more information on the program, visit
For more information about Georgia 4-H, visit

Sage Barnard is a student writer for the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Cooperative Extension.

Held in partnership with National 4-H Council, the Tractor Supply Paper Clover fundraiser collectively raised $1,999,661 in 2018. In Georgia, 4-H members encourage residents in their counties to participate. Last year, these Hall County 4-H members set up an exhibit in their local Tractor Supply.
Held in partnership with National 4-H Council, the Tractor Supply Paper Clover fundraiser collectively raised $1,999,661 in 2018. In Georgia, 4-H members encourage residents in their counties to participate. Last year, these Hall County 4-H members set up an exhibit in their local Tractor Supply.
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