Published on 09/17/18

Fall gardens need sun, good soil, Georgia-friendly plants

By Beverly Adams

Temperatures are dropping, leaves are falling, and home gardeners are beginning to plan their fall vegetables.

If you’re new to food gardening, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offers tips that should lead to a successful fall harvest.

Establish the garden in a location that receives full sunlight, from six to eight hours per day.

Prepare the soil before planting based on soil test recommendations. A laboratory soil test takes the guesswork out of determining whether the soil needs fertilizer or lime to nourish your fall garden crops.

To have your soil tested, visit the Extension website for directions on taking soil samples. Then bring your dry soil sample to your local Extension office with the $10 testing fee.

Plant fall vegetables on schedule and use varieties that are recommended for Georgia. For a list of recommended cultivars and planting dates, refer to UGA Extension Circular 963, “Vegetable Gardening in Georgia,” at

Control weeds, pest insects and diseases.

When Mother Nature does not supply rainfall, water your garden thoroughly at soil level. 

And, as always, if you have any questions, contact your local Extension office at 1-800-ASK-UGA1 for advice.

Controlling the erosion of your soil can improve your vegetable garden and protect the soil. Soil erosion is related to multiple factors, including the type of soil and how much cover is holding the soil.
Controlling the erosion of your soil can improve your vegetable garden and protect the soil. Soil erosion is related to multiple factors, including the type of soil and how much cover is holding the soil.
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