Published on 04/05/18

Peanut IL tweaks RFP requirements

By Allison Floyd

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut has dropped a request that project proposals initially explain how they will use outputs from commissioned projects, since the details of those commissioned projects are not yet available.

Concept notes on project proposals are due April 20 for scientists who would like to lead a project in the $14 million, five-year Peanut Innovation Lab program.

Originally, the Request for Proposals encouraged scientists to explain how proposed projects would utilize the outputs from commissioned projects. Given that the commissioned projects are not yet approved, scientists will not be required to explain that connection in concept notes; instead, the management entity will work with selected PIs to consider the commissioned projects as they develop the full proposals.

The Peanut Innovation Lab is accepting concept notes in two Areas of Inquiry – varietal development and value-added gains – and is using a Piestar project management system. To download the RFP, go to the Peanut Lab Opportunities web page. Support documents (such as the data management plan and a copy of an earlier webinar to answer questions on the RFPs) are on the Peanut Lab’s Work with Us page of the Peanut Innovation Lab website.

Any further questions can be sent to Dave Hoisington at

Allison Floyd is the PR coordinator for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut, which is headquartered at UGA.

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut has dropped a request that project proposals initially explain how they will use outputs from commissioned projects, since the details of those commissioned projects are not yet available.
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut has dropped a request that project proposals initially explain how they will use outputs from commissioned projects, since the details of those commissioned projects are not yet available.
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