Published on 11/09/99

Herb Book Popular Among Gardeners

Herb gardening is one of the fastest growing areas of gardening in the country. The National Gardening Association says one out of three gardeners are buying herbs. But what grows well in Georgia? Where should you plant them? How can you use them?

Two University of Georgia employees, Wayne and Sylvia McLaurin, teamed up to write "Herbs in Southern Gardens." Wayne is an Extension Service horticulturist with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Science. Sylvia works with the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Her expertise for the book comes from years as a trained Master Gardener.

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The book, which has sold more than 700 copies since it was released earlier this year, features a visual feast of 47 color plates, an herbal glossary and recipes. But that's just the beginning.

"Herb cultivation is probably one of the best things in there," Wayne McLaurin says.

Chapters cover such topics as indoor and container planting, pests and diseases, companion planting, harvesting and preserving, special uses of herbs, herbs in cookery and decorative herbs. There's even a chapter especially for beginners.

Herb cultivation recommendations are laid out in a helpful chart listing planting season, spacing, propagation, growth pattern and light requirements. It covers 52 herbs from anise to yarrow, including some little-known plants such as costmary, lovage, patchouli and santolina.

To order a copy of "Herbs in Southern Gardens," write Regina Davis, Agricultural Business Office, Room 203 Conner Hall, the University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. The book costs $5, including shipping and handling. No credit cards are accepted, and prepayment is required.