The University of Georgia Muscadine Field Day and growers' meeting will be Saturday, Sept. 24, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Georgia Experiment Station in Griffin, Ga.
Commercial and Backyard Growers
The field day and meeting will include useful information for
both commercial growers and backyard gardeners.
Researchers from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be among the speakers. Others will include researchers from Florida, Arkansas and North Carolina State and growers from Georgia and North Carolina.
The speakers will tell how to grow, package and market muscadines. They will also unveil some processed muscadine products. And Pete Andersen of Florida will introduce "Polyanna," a self-fertile variety with purple fruit.
Taste Panel and Vineyard Tour
Of special note to commercial growers will be the Georgia Muscadine Association business meeting and a session looking into a regional association and marketing effort.
The field day favorites will be back, too. Don't miss the taste panel of muscadines or the tour of the Dempsey Farm vineyards.
The cost of the field day is $15 if you register before Sept. 10 and $20 after that. The fee covers all handouts and refreshments. To learn more, or to sign up, call (770) 229-3477.
Create Your Own Home Vineyard
For information on how to start and care for your own home muscadine vineyard, check the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' website for the publication titled "Home Garden Muscadines" at
(Photo by Sharon Omahen, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.)