Published on 08/21/99

'Georgia Gardener' Corrals Bamboo

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Photo: Dan Rahn

Bamboo is beautiful. It's fast-growing, with ornamental leaves. And it sounds nice in the wind. But it's not nice when it's trying to take over your landscape.

On "The Georgia Gardener" Aug. 26 and 28, host Walter Reeves shows how to keep bamboo under control in your yard.

He shows how bamboo spreads by underground roots and by aboveground rhizomes. And he shows how to keep these ornamental plants from going visiting.

ggardes.jpg (4940 bytes)Reeves also talks about azalea lace bugs. He shows how to know if they're in your azaleas and how and when to control them.

He shows how to thoroughly clean your garden sprayer, too. He shows how a properly functioning sprayer should spray. And he gives some timely pointers on pesticide safety.

"The Georgia Gardener" is designed for Georgia gardeners. It airs on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and is rebroadcast on Saturdays at 10 a.m. on GPTV.

The show is a production of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and PFC Holding Company.

Dan Rahn is a news editor with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.