Published on 04/22/14

UGA sets pollinator-attracting container garden workshop in Griffin

A butterfly and container garden workshop will be offered Wednesday, May 28 from 9 a.m. until noon at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden off Ellis Road in Griffin.

The workshop is based on research from the UGA garden and will be presented by experts from the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture. The topics will include garden friendly insects, plants for pollinators, pest control strategies and putting it all together.

Participants will build a container garden to attract pollinating insects like bees and butterflies. The garden will also attract beneficial insects that naturally reduce the need for pesticides.

The cost of the workshop is $39 and includes instruction materials for the container garden and refreshments. For more information or to register, call (770) 228-7214 or email Register online at

Up-coming workshop will cover how to select plants to attract pollinators. Participants will plant a container garden to take home.
Up-coming workshop will cover how to select plants to attract pollinators. Participants will plant a container garden to take home.
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