Published on 04/05/12

Organic gardening workshop set at UGA campus in Griffin

An organic gardening workshop is slated for April 27 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.

The class will meet from 9 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. at the UGA Griffin Campus Research & Education Garden. The class will break for lunch from noon until 1:15 p.m.

Workshop instructor Bob Westerfield, a UGA Cooperative Extension consumer horticulturist, will focus on the building blocks of organic gardening techniques and what consumers need to know about organic and sustainable farming.

Participants will learn about soil ecosystems, managing soil, air, water and minerals, methods of weed, insect and disease control within organic standards and compost. Consumer knowledge, attitudes and concepts of organic gardening will also be covered.

The course is sponsored by UGA Cooperative Extension and the UGA horticulture department.

The cost of the workshop is $39 which includes refreshments and workshop supplies. Pre-register by printing the form found online at The deadline for registration is April 24. For more information, call Krissy Slagle at (770) 229-3368 or email her at

Growing crops through plastic is one method organic onion growers use to keep weeds under control.  University of Georgia consumer horticulturist Bob Westerfield will lead a class this month on how home gardeners can adopt organic methods.
Growing crops through plastic is one method organic onion growers use to keep weeds under control. University of Georgia consumer horticulturist Bob Westerfield will lead a class this month on how home gardeners can adopt organic methods.
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