Published on 11/27/95

Wise Shopping Eases Holiday Stress

p> Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. The race is on for holiday gift buying. But you don't need to throw away good shopping judgment just to win the hearts of family and friends.

"You need a holiday-spending game plan lined up long before you get to the stores," says Esther Maddux, a financial management specialist with the University of Georgia Extension Service.

"Know how much money you can spend," Maddux says. "Your holiday allowance can include cash earmarked for the holidays, any extra money available (like a Christmas bonus) and the total amount you can afford to charge."

Gifts aren't the only expenses during the holidays. You may need to work entertaining, cards and clothes into your spending plan. Don't get caught short financially just when you want to relax and enjoy the festivities, Maddux says.

Here are some simple shopping reminders as you prepare for the season:

* Read labels, seals, tags and instruction booklets. Ask questions. Get the facts before you buy.

* Check warranties. Find out what is promised, who stands behind the promises and what you must do to benefit from a warranty.

* Shop and compare to find the best values. Compare features, quality, prices, charges for installation, delivery, credit and service. Use the phone to gather information rather than running from store to store. Sometimes the amount you save isn't worth the cost of your time, energy and transportation.

* Read and understand contracts completely. Know what promises you're making before you sign your agreement.

* Return a purchase that's damaged, didn't provide reasonable wear or didn't live up to the guarantee.

* Don't make a spur-of-the-moment decision to buy an item. Take your time, think about your needs and the amount of money you have.

* Free gifts or bargains that are too good to be true are usually just bait to get your money. Expect a fair and reasonable price for goods and services.

* Shop at the start and the close of a big sale. The first day offers the best selection, but the last day may bring further price reductions.

* Be alert to factory seconds and irregulars. These items have flaws or imperfections. Examine the item carefully. Find the flaw and decide if it will make a difference.

* Look in the classified ad section of your newspaper for items you need. Buying person-to-person often saves dollars.