Published on 06/06/02

Relax on Your Vacation by Doing More

"The drive-eat-sleep vacation routine we get into doesn't do much to relieve stress," said Janine Freeman, an Extension Service nutrition specialist with the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences.

On the other hand, she said, physical activity is a proven stress beater.

The problem, Freeman said, is that when your body is sedentary, your mind can wander, and you end up dwelling on your problems instead of relaxing.

Active Body, Active Mind

"If you're lying on the beach, you still have time to think about all your problems back home," Freeman said. "But if you're engaged in some kind of physical activity, your mind is active. You're concentrating on what you're doing, and you can't think about what your have to do when you get home."

Regardless of your age, fitness level or interests, Freeman said, an active trip is out there for you. Here are a few suggestions.


A short tour of trails at state and national parks could make for a great weekend getaway. All you need is good pair of walking shoes and you're ready to go. For information on state parks go to For national parks, see

All-inclusive walking tours, too, offer the chance to walk around some of the world's greatest landmarks and attractions. Check out or (877-897-7175) for a guided walk or hike.


If you're a biker, all-inclusive biking tours are available, or you could plan your own adventure. Head to the mountains or look into the 11,658 miles of abandoned railroad track that have been converted into public trails for both walking and biking. Go to (202-331-9696) or to find out more.


If you're just starting out, check out a local hiking club. They offer group trips for folks at different fitness levels and the expertise to keep you safe. To find some great trails to hike in Georgia, see or

Adult Camps

Who says camps are just for kids? If you want to improve your tennis or golf game or learn more about backpacking, go to You could even send the kids to one camp, while you and your spouse go to another.

Water sports

Canoeing, rafting, snorkeling and sea kayaking offer challenging workouts and the chance to catch some scenery you can't see from your car. Go to (800-462-2848) for information on water sports or any of the other vacations listed here.

These vacations are designed for people at different fitness levels. Still, you're going to have a much better time if you don't injure yourself. So, do some conditioning. If you're going biking, get your bike out a few weeks before you leave and do some training.

The same goes for hiking and walking. Do plenty of walking to get yourself in shape. Remember to wear-in your new boots or shoes before you leave.

Merritt Melancon is a public relations manager with UGA's Terry College of Business and previously served as a public relations coordinator for the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Extension.