The 2001 4-H and FFA Beef School will be July 15-19 at the Georgia Agricenter in Perry, Ga. It will be conducted in conjunction with the 2001 Junior Beef Futurity July 19-21 at the Agricenter. Participants will be able to stay over and practice their new skills at the exhibition.
The beef school will cover all aspects of raising and showing club calves, including bed making, hair care and washing, equipment care, judging, showmanship and what to take to a show.
Youths with all experience levels are encouraged to attend. Participants will receive instruction specific to the amount of experience they have.
BYO Steer or Heifer
Because of the hands-on nature of the beef school, participants are required to bring a steer or heifer. The calf can be owned or borrowed, a prospect for the upcoming show season or a calf that already has been shown.
The registration deadline is June 4. The $190 cost will cover lodging for four days, all meals and board for the participant's calf. Agents, teachers or other adults can register for $140.
For more information, call Laura Perry Johnson at (229) 386-3407 or Fred Rayfield at (229) 386-3428.