At 23 sites in Georgia, the short course will be every Tuesday night from Feb. 6 to March 20. To find the nearest site, visit the Master Tree Farmer Web site at Or call Ben Jackson at (706) 542-9051. Or e-mail him at
The sessions will begin at 7 p.m. EST and end at 10 p.m. Participants will be able to ask questions of the speakers through a toll-free number. The local coordinator and forester will also handle questions during breaks and until 10:30 each evening.
'Everything You Wanted to Know...'
The course covers:
- Feb. 6 - Introduction to Forest Management, Terms and Concepts.
- Feb. 13 - Estate Planning, Taxation and Basic Forest Finance.
- Feb. 20 - Managing for Pines (Natural and Artificial).
- Feb. 27 - Managing for Hardwoods (Uplands and Bottomlands).
- March 6 - Timber Marketing, Security and Harvesting.
- March 13 - Wildlife Management (Game and Nongame).
- March 20 - Forestry Services and Programs for the Landowner.