The workshop is sponsored by the University of Georgia Extension Service and the Georgia Cotton Commission. It's intended for growers, county agents, dealers and other agribusiness people interested in cotton.
The program runs for two days and will last from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. each day.
The mornings offer specialized workshops providing in-depth discussion of production issues, such as cotton risk management and soil management. After lunch, participants will reconvene in workshops involving a broad range of economic issues and emerging production concerns such as conservation tillage and seed-rot problems.
Preregistration is required for the workshop. A $35 registration fee covers instruction, educational materials and refreshments. Certified Crop Advisor and pesticide license recertification credits are both available.
For more information or to get registration forms, contact the county extension office. Or call the Tifton campus conference center at the Rural Development Center at (229) 386-3416.