
Jim Midcap



08/31/06 - Spring flower flourish depends on fall efforts 08/24/06 - Rework landscape with heat-tolerant trees, shrubs 04/12/06 - Newly planted shrubs 'still container plants' 10/25/05 - It's fall -- don't delay planting landscape trees 08/18/05 - Shade trees' fall colors add pop to landscapes 06/23/05 - Summer-flowering shrubs add color to landscape 02/24/05 - Protect your trees from power mower blight 02/24/05 - Select hydrangeas for flowers all summer long 02/24/05 - Dogwoods are Georgia's aristocrats of spring 09/30/04 - Admire season's leaves, plant your own fall color 05/06/04 - Plant shrubs that provide summer blooms, too 02/19/04 - Scientist forces hydrangeas into spring market 02/16/04 - Summer Snowflake viburnum offers months of color 02/16/04 - Bald cypress not just for swamps anymore 09/30/03 - Plant landscape trees for great fall color in your home landscape 04/24/03 - Plant special shrubs for spring color, fragrance 02/21/03 - Georgia Gold Medal Winners can brighten landscape 09/26/02 - Ornamental berries brighten fall landscape 03/11/02 - Overgrown Shrub Can Make a Tree 02/21/02 - Be Water-Smart When Choosing Landscape Plants 03/30/01 - Flowering Shrubs Add Pizazz to Landscape 05/09/00 - Green Industry Going Strong In Midst of Drought 03/15/00 - Newly Planted Shrubs 'Still Container Plants' 02/23/00 - New Shrubs Add Beauty to Spring Landscape 06/24/99 - Crape Myrtle, the Summer Lilac of the South 10/28/98 - Brighten Winter Days with Landscape Flowers 08/19/98 - Fall Perfect for Planting Landscape Shade Trees 07/22/98 - Suffering Dogwoods Need Water in Georgia Summer 02/18/98 - New Shrubs Add to Spring Excitement 06/16/97 - Get Summer Color From Trees and Shrubs 02/03/97 - Asian Star Prepares for Southern Spring Show 01/13/97 - Wacky Winter Weather Warning for Landscapes 09/02/96 - Fall Planting Required for Spring Flower Show 03/25/96 - March Freeze Subdues Spring Flower Display