
Browse Weeds, Diseases and Pests Stories - Page 23

481 results found for Weeds, Diseases and Pests
Mark Abney, UGA Extension peanut entomologist, advocates scouting for insects in peanut fields. CAES News
Peanut Insects
University of Georgia entomologist Mark Abney is searching for ways to monitor insects responsible for destroying Georgia peanut crops. This is the first step in developing economic thresholds that will indicate to farmers when it’s time to apply controls for each pest and when it’s time to cut losses.
A photo of a car windshield covered with yellow pine pollen. CAES News
Pollen Counts
The dusty pollen that we see in the air is not the pollen that plagues allergy sufferers. However, oftentimes when we can see lots of pine pollen floating in the air, pollen counts for problem plants are often high as well.
Colquitt County Extension ANR agent and county coordinator Jeremy Kichler speaks during Sunbelt Field Day in July, 2015. CAES News
Farmer Trainings
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension county agents will now come to farms to teach a series of pesticide-focused trainings to agricultural producers through a new, unprecedented training initiative.
Celosia is one of many flowering plants that attracts beneficial pollinating insects. Other flowering plants that attract beneficial insects include aster, butterfly weed, coneflower, cosmos, rudbeckia, sunflower and zinnias. CAES News
Bees, Bugs & Blooms
A workshop focused on attracting and protecting beneficial insects will be offered Wednesday, April 20, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in Fayetteville, Georgia, by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts.
UGA Extension cotton agronomist Jared Whitaker speaks with Pamela Whitten, UGA provost, about cotton and its importance to Georgia during Whitten's visit on Thursday, March 17. CAES News
Provost Tour
University of Georgia Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Pamela Whitten helped shine a light on the role that UGA Cooperative Extension plays in the lives of Georgians and the state’s economy during a visit to Tifton, Georgia, this week.
A deer dines on pasture grass in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Dining deer
When deer leave the shelter of the woods in search of food, they often inspect the shrubs and flowers in your front yard’s landscape as if they were browsing a buffet.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension wildlife expert Michael Mengak tells visitors to a field day how a squirrel trap should be used. CAES News
Critter control
Chewing pests have many Georgia homeowners wondering “Who dunnit?” when their favorite tree or shrub is scarred by teeth marks.
Green beans grow up a trellis in a Spalding County, Ga., garden. CAES News
Garden Plan
This time of the year gardeners get excited about their soon-to-be-planted spring vegetable gardens. They envision lush rows of perfect pods of peas, scrumptiously delicious sweet corn and big, beautiful tomatoes. University of Georgia Extension urges gardeners to wait and put some thought and vision into their garden first.
Fictional Peter Rabbit isn't the only rabbit that enjoys munching in vegetable gardens. To keep rabbits out of home gardens, University of Georgia Extension specialists recommend building a fence around precious plants. The fence must be at least 2-feet high and the bottom must be buried at least 3-inches deep. CAES News
Rabbit Control
While rabbits may seem cute and fuzzy, the common rabbit or eastern cottontail can do considerable damage to flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs any time of the year in places ranging from suburban yards to rural fields and tree plantations.