
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 50

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While bee populations have been declining for the past several decades, urban beekeeping and public awareness of pollinators are on the rise. CAES News
Pollinator Protection
There are more than 4,000 species of native bees in North America — from plump, stalwart carpenter bees to the hardworking blueberry bees that help pollinate the state’s top fruit crop.
Sawfly damage on roses CAES News
Rose Sawflies
Dozens of calls and samples of roses with a variety of leaf problems are coming into the University of Georgia Extension office in Bartow County. The most common problem diagnosed this year is injury caused by rose sawflies, also known as rose slugs.
Celosia is one of many flowering plants that attracts beneficial pollinating insects. Other flowering plants that attract beneficial insects include aster, butterfly weed, coneflower, cosmos, rudbeckia, sunflower and zinnias. CAES News
Eco-friendly Garden
An eco-friendly container garden class has been set for Friday, May 15 at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden, off of Ellis Road in Griffin, Georgia.
The brown marmorated stink bug, a native of Asia, can be found in 42 states and two Canadian provinces, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. To date, it is classified as a nuisance pest in Georgia, but could quickly become an agricultural pest if it gets to cotton fields and blueberry patches. CAES News
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
A University of Georgia entomologist is asking Georgians to help track an insect that loves to stowaway in homes and has the potential to hurt the state’s cotton and blueberry crops. The brown marmorated stink bug, a native of Asia, was first spotted in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in 1998 and has since been found in 42 states and two Canadian provinces, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. To date, it is classified as a nuisance pest in Georgia, but could quickly become an agricultural pest, too.
Tomato transplants grown from seeds are ready to begin an adjustment to outdoor temperatures. CAES News
Grow From Seed
Growing plants from seed can save gardeners money and vastly increase the varieties that can be grown in a backyard garden. Gardeners can grow several transplants for the price of a few, store-bought plants, and the selection of varieties for sale is often limited.
Building a raised bed garden can be the perfect way to have a garden in limited space where the soil conditions are poor. But there are drawbacks to raised bed gardens, like the soil dries out quickly. CAES News
Raised Beds
Backyard gardeners with limited space may want to try gardening in raised beds. University of Georgia horticulturist David Berle says they are perfect for gardeners who have a “tough, urban site” where the soil conditions are not ideal.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Seed Shopping
Starting seeds indoors and growing transplants allows home gardeners to try some new varieties that are not available at local garden centers. Check catalogs produced by seed companies and try some new vegetable varieties that are easy to grow and mature quickly.
A vegetable garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Perfect Planting Spot
The ideal place for a vegetable garden is a level, well-drained site that receives full sun all day. The site should also get good air circulation and the soil should be loose, fertile and easy to work.
Parsley, rosemary, thyme, chives and oregano plants wait to be installed in a square foot garden plot. CAES News
Herb Garden
All herbs like well-drained soils, so it's easiest – and better for the plants – to grow them in pots. The exceptions are rosemary and thyme, which can be planted as ground cover in sunny areas.