
Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 26

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Through the "Trees for Bees" project, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents are teaching children and adults how to create pollinator habitats. To promote a diverse pollinator habitat, plant pollinator-friendly plants, provide nesting boxes for cavity-nesting bees, leave spots of bare ground for ground-nesting bees and allow winter weeds to bloom to increase floral resources. CAES News
Pollinator Habitats
Pollinators are essential to the production of native plants and food crops. To help pollinators like bees and butterflies do their jobs of moving pollen, home gardeners can provide a habitat that provides water and shelter.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
Shady Spots
For homeowners surrounded by shade, pollinator-friendly landscapes can seem unattainable, but they don’t have to be. Landscapes graced with trees and an abundance of shade can be great resources for pollinators, too.
The 'Patti Faye' deodar cedar has a classic Christmas tree shape. CAES News
Live Christmas Trees
Container-grown or balled-and-burlapped Christmas trees can be planted as landscape trees after the holidays. This is practical in Georgia, where the mild December or early January weather is ideal for tree planting.
Terrariums are like tiny, desktop greenhouses. The plants grow and change as time goes by, making it a holiday gift that your friend or family member can enjoy all year. You can make terrariums as personal as you want, and even better, as inexpensive as you'd like. All it takes is a little bit of craftiness, plant material and a glass container. CAES News
Holiday Terrariums
Are you looking for a unique last-minute gift for the holidays? If your recipient loves plants but has a black thumb, a terrarium may be the perfect gift.
Though the leaves haven't fallen, this Finch Gold possumhaw holly is already showing out with branches filled with golden berries. CAES News
Golden Berry
This time of the year, everyone is thinking of decking the halls with hollies and their colorful red berries, but you just may want to consider adding a touch of gold. Can you even imagine hollies with bright golden berries? These would show out in the landscape like small trees or shrubs adorned with a thousand little golden lights — and the same for the mantel! My preference, however, would be to see birds celebrating with a Christmas feast.
Georgia highways dazzle with color from old-fashioned cosmos. These flowers aren't perennials, but they do come back through reseeding. CAES News
Roadside Show
The Georgia Department of Transportation has planted cosmos alongside interstates in Georgia. GDOT is revved up and planting pollinator-attracting flowers along the highway system. Although considered an annual, cosmos are perfect for this use as they give a perennial-like performance by reseeding.
Air Plant, Tillandsia CAES News
Gift Plants
Around the holiday season, many people feel gift-block. Maybe it’s the pressure of having to find gifts that loved ones will appreciate or having to find a gift last minute. Whatever the case may be, a houseplant makes a fantastic gift.
ColorMax comes in 10 colors and a mix. 'Icy Blue,' (shown) 'Popcorn' and 'Lemon Splash' are must-have plants for cool-season landscapes. The plants reach 6 to 8 inches tall with a spread of about 10 inches. ColorMax violas are very cold-tolerant and transplant to the garden with ease. CAES News
ColorMax Violas
Make no mistake about it, if you have ever felt like a viola couldn’t dazzle like a pansy, then you haven’t tried ColorMax. ColorMax is a relatively new series of viola that comes to us from Sakata Seed and has completely shocked me with its flower power. It really is color to the max with these violas.
Snaptastic, a new series coming from Syngenta, is considered medium in height, reaching 14 to 16 inches. Snaptastic Orange Flame snapdragon brings a fiery color to the cool season landscape. CAES News
"Snaptastic" Snapdragons
These new snapdragons aren’t just fantastic, they’re simply “Snaptastic.” Snaptastic, a new series coming from Syngenta, is considered medium in height, reaching 14 to 16 inches. They fill a void that’s been longed for in the market.