
Browse Herbs Stories - Page 3

31 results found for Herbs
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Trial gardens
Over the last three decades, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia have introduced home gardeners and landscape designers to thousands of new plant varieties.
Joel Cooper, a resident at the Atlanta Mission, installs pepper plants in the mission's garden. CAES News
Growing skills and vegetables
Looking over the tomato, okra, cucumber, squash and pepper plants, Joel Cooper is proud. The 46-year-old recovering addict is happy, too, to get his life back on track and for the opportunity to help others like him eat and live a little better. Cooper, and the other men who rely on the Atlanta Mission for food, will soon be eating fresh produce they’ve grown at the place they call their temporary home.
An herb vendor at the Riverside Farmers Market in Roswell, Ga., displays her selection - and includes information on how to use the herbs she sells. Aug. 1, 2009. CAES News
Grow your own herbs
University of Georgia horticulturist Bodie Pennisi doesn’t just study herbs in her research garden in Griffin, Ga. She also grows them at home to add flavor to her food.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
2011 edition of the Spring Garden Packet
Summertime is right around the corner, and with it comes colorful flowers, tasty vegetables and leaf-chopping insects. We’re got articles and information to help you with your garden needs in the 36th edition of the Spring Garden Packet, produced by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
As interest in local food continues to grow, more communities across Georgia have started farmers markets, like this one in Roswell. The University of Georgia's helping to meet the demand, too, with a certificate program in local food systems. CAES News
Local food systems
The University of Georgia hopes to bring gardening, fresh produce and nutritious food a little closer to the people who need it by first educating its students.
Dew collects on a yellow bloom at the UGA Trial Gardens in Athens. April 2010 CAES News
UGA Trial Gardens
Georgia’s summer heat is on, bringing with it a wealth of beautiful blooms. View the best summer has to offer at the University of Georgia Trial Gardens open house July 10 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Fawn with spots grazes on a landscape in North Georgia. CAES News
Deer-tolerant Plants
Spring is the perfect time to add new flowers and trees to your home landscape. However, deer may love the new addition as much as you do.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Tasty Treats
Spring gardens are now full of beautiful blooms, or eye candy for gardeners. But gardens can offer bountiful taste treats, too. Honey, herbs, tomatoes and blueberries highlight a savory episode of “Your Southern Garden with Walter Reeves” April 17 at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.
Members of professional agricultural sorority Sigma Alpha planted a pizza garden at Charles Ellis Elementary School in Savannah, Ga., in March 2010. CAES News
School work
A group of college students spending a weekend at the beach is a common occurrence. Having them take time out from sunbathing to weed a community garden is rare.