
Browse Turfgrass Stories - Page 5

136 results found for Turfgrass
Ideally, grass clippings should be recycled into the grass. If a large amount of clippings remain, bagging is the best option. CAES News
Messy Lawns
After weeks of rainfall, lawns grew and now mowing may leave a significant volume of clippings behind. If there's too much to rake into the canopy, the clippings should be removed. 
University of Georgia Professor Paul Raymer has served Georgia agriculture as a variety tester, a soybean specialist, a canola breeder and a turfgrass breeder. For the past 15 years, he has focused on developing improved cultivars of seashore paspalum, tall fescue and creeping bentgrass for high-stress environments. CAES News
Paul Raymer
More than 40 years ago, a young man from Arkansas decided to become an agriculture major because "it was the beginning of the Green Revolution, and agriculture had a bright future." Today that man, University of Georgia professor Paul Raymer, has served Georgia agriculture as a variety tester, a soybean specialist, a canola breeder and a turfgrass breeder.
UGA turfgrass breeder Brian Schwartz (right) examines research plots during the turfgrass conference held in 2013. CAES News
Turfgrass Conference
The 72nd annual University of Georgia Southeastern Turfgrass Conference will be held on Thursday, April 26, at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia.
A survey of the state's sod inventory is conducted each year by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Urban Ag Council. Each year, Georgia sod producers and other members of the industry, including equipment manufacturers, gather for the annual Sod Field Day. This photo shows a sod harvester being demonstrated. CAES News
Sod Prices
Georgia’s supply of sodded turfgrass will sufficiently cover demand this year, and the delivery cost is not expected to rise, according to the Annual Georgia Sod Producers Inventory Survey conducted by Clint Waltz, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialist, and the Georgia Urban Ag Council.
Shimat Joseph, an entomologist based on the University of Georgia Griffin campus, conducts research on turfgrass and ornamental plant pests. Joseph also works with UGA Cooperative Extension agents and teaches an entomology laboratory course for UGA students enrolled in the plant protection and pest management master's degree program. CAES News
New Entomologist
Shimat Joseph, an entomologist based on the University of Georgia Griffin campus, will research turfgrass and ornamental plant pests as the newest member of the UGA Turfgrass Team.
Local officials, regents and University of Georgia President Jere Morehead pose for a photo at the ribbon cutting of the new Turfgrass Research Building on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Turf Team
University of Georgia, state and industry leaders cut the ribbon on Sept. 21 signifying the official openings of three new turfgrass research and education facilities on the Griffin, Tifton and Athens campuses. The largest of the facilities is on the UGA Griffin campus, where the ceremony took place.
A roll of freshly harvested sod CAES News
Sod 101
Georgia turfgrass producers and industry leaders will gather Tuesday, Oct. 31, and Wednesday, Nov. 1, in Ft. Valley, Georgia, for the annual Georgia Sod and Turf Producers Field Day. Industry leaders and university experts will provide updates on turfgrass-related topics, and the latest equipment will be displayed and demonstrated at the event’s trade show.
Tall fescue research plots on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Tall Fescue Time
To successfully establish a new tall fescue lawn or interseed an existing lawn, consider the following techniques and practices from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Beware of burrweed in your lawn. CAES News
Drought & Lawns
Last year’s prolonged drought has extended into this year. Lawns that were in poor health before the drought are having trouble greening up now. If you’re reviving a spotty lawn, perk it up with help from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.