
Browse Cotton Stories - Page 19

197 results found for Cotton
Guy Collins, an Extension cotton agronomist with the University of Georgia-Tifton campus, talks about cotton to producers and consultants at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center Field Day in Midville on Aug. 14. CAES News
UGA Field Day
Cotton and peanut research will be showcased on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus on Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Guy Collins, an Extension cotton agronomist with the University of Georgia-Tifton campus, talks about cotton to producers and consultants at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center Field Day in Midville on Aug. 14. CAES News
Midville field day
University of Georgia revealed its latest research on cotton, soybeans, corn and other southeast Georgia crops at the annual Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center Field Day held in Midville Aug. 14.
George Vellidis, a professor on the University of Georgia-Tifton campus, examines a soil moisture sensor. CAES News
Optimizing irrigation use
Soil moisture sensors are an efficient tool farmers use to optimize their irrigation water use.
Target spot on cotton CAES News
Soggy fields
Rain may be a good thing, but too much of a good thing can become a problem for Georgia farmers.
Rows of cotton at a farm on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus in 2013. CAES News
Rain soaking cotton fields
The deluge of rainfall this summer made a splash with some cotton farmers but created a tidal wave of challenges that some growers are still fighting.
Calvin Perry, superintendent of the Stripling Irrigation Research Park, speaks to area 4-H students during 4H20 Camp this past summer. CAES News
Irrigation research
The latest research on irrigation technology will be presented Aug. 1 at the University of Georgia’s Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Ga.
Palmer amaranth can reach heights of up to 7-10 feet. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue to control Palmer amaranth even after their corn is harvested. CAES News
Pigweed leaving mark
The most destructive adversary to impact cotton production since the boll weevil is costing cotton farmers potential yields and profit
Third graders participate in the recycling relay race during Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day at the UGA-Tifton Campus. CAES News
Ag Awareness
Area third graders got a chance to get outside and explore Thursday morning on the Tifton campus of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Glen Rains, co-director of AgrAbility, points to a fence-line feeder he and his team helped developed for a disabled farmer. CAES News
AgrAbility program
Richard Stanley’s work revolves around his livestock.