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18 results found for Trial Gardens
UGA horticulture Professor Donglin Zhang shows a group around his greenhouse at the Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville during a past farm tour. The 2019 Horticulture Farm Tour will be held on Oct. 4 at 1221 Hog Mountain Road. CAES News
Durham Field Day
Before they are available to the public, many new varieties of bushes and landscape plants are first planted at the University of Georgia’s Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia.
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Each year the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia hosts a summer open house to show off the season’s best plants. This year they’re working to beat the heat by moving the party from July to June.
Through the "Trees for Bees" project, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents are teaching children and adults how to create pollinator habitats. To promote a diverse pollinator habitat, plant pollinator-friendly plants, provide nesting boxes for cavity-nesting bees, leave spots of bare ground for ground-nesting bees and allow winter weeds to bloom to increase floral resources. CAES News
Trees for Bees
Georgia’s Arbor Day celebration, Feb. 16, is a great time for Georgians to show some love for the state’s pollinators by planting trees that help support their habitat, said Becky Griffin, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension School and Community Garden coordinator.
Gaillardia SpinTop, 'Red Starburst', from Dummen Orange, is among the Trial Gardens' Classic City Award winners. CAES News
Classic City Awards
Georgia summers can be tough on landscape plants. That's why the Trial Gardens waits until the end of the summer to release its annual list of best-performing varieties. 
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and workers and volunteers are pruning, watering and collecting data on annuals and perennials at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia. Trial Gardens staff will open the facility to the public at their annual open house on Saturday, July 21, from 8 a.m. until noon. 
Students in the UGA Horticulture Club prepare for their Spring Plant Sale, which will be held April 6-8 and April 12-15. CAES News
Plantapalooza 2018
Spring is here, which means it’s time to plant summer gardens. Through plant sales and the annual Plantapalooza event on Saturday, April 14, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia; the State Botanical Garden of Georgia; the UGA Horticulture Club; the Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (PBGG) Graduate Student Association; and the Plant Biology Graduate Student Association (PBGSA) make plant-buying easy.
Terrariums are like tiny, desktop greenhouses. The plants grow and change as time goes by, making it a holiday gift that your friend or family member can enjoy all year. You can make terrariums as personal as you want, and even better, as inexpensive as you'd like. All it takes is a little bit of craftiness, plant material and a glass container. CAES News
Holiday Terrariums
Are you looking for a unique last-minute gift for the holidays? If your recipient loves plants but has a black thumb, a terrarium may be the perfect gift.
Of the three Sombrero varieties planted last spring, which were all good performers, 'Granada Gold' took the cake. The flawless golden flowers bloomed profusely with a beautiful floral presentation and lasted longer than the other two. CAES News
Classic City Awards
Summer’s end often means that spring’s colorful annuals have started to fade, but the end of Georgia’s growing season also means it’s time to debut the University of Georgia Trial Gardens’ annual Classic City Award winners. These awards represent plants that thrived during the punishing conditions of a Georgia summer.
Ornamentals, like native azalea 'Rosy Cheeks,' perform well when planted in the fall. The key is to follow proper planting techniques. This includes digging the planting hole twice as big as the plant's rootball and breaking up the rootball before planting. CAES News
Drought & Plants
Prolonged dry weather has prompted an elevated drought response for northwest Georgia. But under all levels of drought response, new plant material can be installed under a 30-day exemption period. Once the establishment period has expired, the drought-response watering practices must be followed accordingly.